The roots to grow, the wings to fly...
School motto
The Magical Door by Charlotte Hill
I opened the magical door and saw…
all my friends on a football pitch:
thousands of people in a crowd, standing, watching,
as I stepped onto the pitch.
I opened the magical door and heard…
the rushing cars:
Then something stopped it,
Everything froze and it became silent, what had happened to the world?
I opened the magical door and smelt…
The salt of the sea:
I could imagine the fish in the depths of the water,
How it used to be.
I opened the magical door and felt…
The chaos in the playground:
Me and my friends running around,
Talking to each other and having fun
I opened the magical door and found…
A world there used to be:
Clear, blue seas; rushing cars; and people dashing through the streets.
What has the world become?
The world we live in by Milo Lyus
In the world we live in
There’s a deadly virus
Named after a beer
It’s coming for us.
In the world we live in
Global warming’s happening
And we can’t stop it
Because no-one is listening.
In the world we live in
Everyone is in isolation
And if we stay that way
We’ll all be in devistation.
In the world we live in
People are coming together
To help each other out
And to look after one another.
The magic door by Jade Pardey
I opened the magic door and saw friends, everywhere, to have fun with.
I opened the magic door and heard children all playing in the park together.
I opened the magic door and smelt the delicious foods from the fast food restaurants.
I opened the magic door and touched the handles of the trolley to go freely around the shops.
I opened the magic door and found an amazing and beautiful world.
The Magic Door by Sophie Dyer
I opened the magical door and saw...
I opened the magical door and saw...
a magical garden full of toadstools:
they were all multicoloured,
standing tall in the bright sun.
I opened the magical door and saw...
golden fluffy clouds:
floating in the night sky,
looking like comfy beds.
I opened the magical door and saw...
a unicorn flying over a rainbow:
that leads to a secret world,
I longed to follow.
I opened the magical door and saw...
a field full of flower people:
coming towards me,
with massive smiles.
I opened the magical door and saw...
a magical world, in front of my eyes:
with an enchanted forest,
with a glowing light inside.
I opened the magical door and saw...
a garden full of bunnies:
hopping up and down on the horizon,
laughing and playing together.
I opened the magical door and saw...
a treasure chest in the corner of the room, glowing.
As I walked towards it excitedly,
It vanished.
I opened the magical door and saw...
all my teddies come to life:
having a party,
and I wanted to join.
I opened the magical door and saw...
a smaller door:
with a golden handle,
The magic door by Amy Spearman
I opened the magic door and saw…
A jungle
With towering trees and vines for swinging
It all stood before my eyes
I opened the magic door and smelt…
The sent of the wildflowers
The sweet fragrance filled the air
As I played in the grass
I opened the magic door and saw…
The world a better place
No one was selfish or cruel
Everyone had more than enough
I opened the magic door and felt…
The April showers
The cool, refreshing water pattered on my back
And the spiderwebs were finally visible
I opened the magic door and saw…
A battle
Fire against water
The two sides desperate to defeat the other
I opened the magic door and heard…
A sound I hadn’t heard in so long
I almost thought it now ceased to exist
I opened the magic door and saw…
The plastic that was killing animals
As it drifted along the sea
The marine life suffering because of us
I opened the magic door and smelt…
Freshly baked bread
The smell to delicious to resist
As I found myself drawing nearer
I opened the magic door and saw…
My imagination