
The roots to grow, the wings to fly...

School motto


Your school is a gem.

Quote from Salisbury Diocese Advisor


...fostering a positive and responsible attitude in children towards their environment...

School aims


...achieving the highest standards of which children are capable in all areas of academic and personal development...

School aims


...a secure Christian environment in which consideration and respect for self and others, can be fostered..

School aims


Visitor protocol (Covid 19) September 2020

The school is not encouraging visitors during the school day currently. However there may be times visitors have to access the site for health and safety, maintenance, meetings and curriculum delivery.

Maintenance contractors will be encouraged to come after school. They should report to the school office for advice on Covid safety on arrival.   They will be instructed to wear masks on site and use anti bacterial gel before entry. They are advised to keep their distance from staff and children at all times and follow the one way system.

 Other visitors should report to the school office on arrival. They will be asked to use anti bacterial gel before entry. If they are educational professionals meeting the Headteacher or other members of staff they will not be advised to wear masks.  A room for any meeting needs to be assigned in advance of the visit.

Meetings with parents should be booked in advance with the staff member. Meetings should take place with the staff member seated 2m apart. Parents should be asked to use the anti-bac  before they enter the building.  If at all possible, parents should enter the room at the shortest route rather than walking through communal areas.

Tours for prospective parents will take place in groups of no more than 6 people. Visitors should wear masks and use the anti-bacterial gel on arrival. The admin officer will sign on behalf of the parent or individual pens should be used. These will take place after school.

Any educational professional working with groups of children will be assigned a room with plenty of space.  They should ensure that the children are well spaced and that they keep their distance from them. They should ensure that all children sanitise their hands before they enter the room and before they leave.  It is expected that they will have provided the school with their own risk assessment which we have agreed beforehand.