
...fostering a positive and responsible attitude in children towards their environment...

School aims


Your school is a gem.

Quote from Salisbury Diocese Advisor


The roots to grow, the wings to fly...

School motto


...achieving the highest standards of which children are capable in all areas of academic and personal development...

School aims


...a secure Christian environment in which consideration and respect for self and others, can be fostered..

School aims


Dear Parents and Carers

It was so lovely to be able to welcome you all back yesterday for the new school year. I am very pleased to say that, overall, we had a very successful first day and the children appeared very happy to be back!

Thank you for helping us to make it a successful start!

Now that we have had the opportunity to see the whole school in action, there are a few minor tweaks and reminders to help everything run a little more smoothly.

Firstly,  at the end of the day:

If someone else is picking up your child, please ensure they know the entry and exit points and the one way system.  We do expect everyone to follow the rules. Please ensure that you keep the flow of pedestrian traffic moving by collecting your child quickly and moving on. Please do not congregate on paths to chat as this forces other parents onto the grass - please use the paths at all times to avoid transference of mud and to ensure that everyone is moving in the same direction.

If you need to speak to a member of staff after school, please wait until the rest of the children have gone so staff can concentrate on releasing children to their parents. If there is too much congestion and  the one way system is ignored, we will have to resort to staggered collection times for different classes which is not in anyone’s best interests.  Please be prepared that the school run may take longer than you are used to at the moment. 

Other reminders:

Our full school uniform policy applies. Children need to be wearing black school shoes and bring a separate pair of trainers for PE. This is particularly important for Year 6 who will be playing on the grass during breaktimes every day and will need to change their footwear before they go into class. Long hair needs to be tied up.

You will already know that Key Stage One will be wearing their PE kit to school on their PE days. We have also decided that it is easier if Mr Simpson’s class and Mrs Morton’s class also wear their PE kits to school on their PE days – you have been informed of these by text. You do not need to send their school uniform in with them -  they will wear their PE kit all day.

The Google classrooms will soon be open for the new classes and homework will be set on this platform for most classes. You can contact staff members through the Google classrooms.

Finally, we know that there are cases of Corona Virus in Yeovil and in Dorset. I would ask everyone to remain vigilant and continue to  follow social distancing guidelines. Please keep your distance from other parents whilst on site, leave a space between other people when walking and keep your children with you at all times. Thank you for respecting that it remains one adult per family group on site.  

Remember that if your child is displaying these symptoms: new, persistent cough, high temperature and a loss of smell/taste, you should not bring them to school but should arrange to have  Covid 19 test as soon as possible. Please help us to keep everyone safe.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and support.

Kind regards

Miss Grunnill

Head Teacher