
...a secure Christian environment in which consideration and respect for self and others, can be fostered..

School aims


Your school is a gem.

Quote from Salisbury Diocese Advisor


...achieving the highest standards of which children are capable in all areas of academic and personal development...

School aims


The roots to grow, the wings to fly...

School motto


...fostering a positive and responsible attitude in children towards their environment...

School aims


Please take the time to read the draft version of our revised Positive Relationships and Behaviour Policy. We have consulted with children and staff and are now giving you the chance to give your views.

The policy is very much based on our existing policy in terms of sanctions and choices but is much clearer in its presentation. We have introduced three new school rules which form the basis of our expectations. Government recommendations and expectations are referenced in the appendices and ensures St Mary's is compliant in terms of anti discrimination laws. 

Please email Miss Grunnill at or leave a comment in the comments section. Please be advised that comments may be moderated or deleted in line with our social media policy. The consultation will end on Tuesday 9th February 2016.

Thank you very much.