
...fostering a positive and responsible attitude in children towards their environment...

School aims


...achieving the highest standards of which children are capable in all areas of academic and personal development...

School aims


...a secure Christian environment in which consideration and respect for self and others, can be fostered..

School aims


Your school is a gem.

Quote from Salisbury Diocese Advisor


The roots to grow, the wings to fly...

School motto



During the week, teachers will be communicating with your children face to face online via a variety of platforms such as TEAMS, Zoom, Google Meet etc. There will be also be prerecorded lessons. 

Your consent for your child to participate in 'live' lessons is automatically assumed by the teacher when your child logs into the session.  If you do not want your children to participate in live teaching  please  inform the classteacher directly via email explaining reasons why. We do expect all children to engage in learning during lockdown and follow the appropriate programmes of study. 

There are a few rules to follow to ensure safe and appropriate online behaviour and learning:

Children should be online in a comnunal area of the house (ie not a bedroom) and children should be appropriately dressed. 

During live lessons, children should not be alone in the house and a parent should be nearby for safeguarding and for the purposes of supporting learning. The teacher may ask to speak to the parent at the start of the lesson  to confirm this.  If a child appears to be unsupervised and not in a communal space, then the live lesson may have to be stopped or the child asked to move to another room.  

Children are asked to behave appropriately during lessons as they would in school and follow the teacher's instructions. They may be muted at different times so that the teacher can be heard. 

Please  encourage your children to use Google Classroom appropriately only uploading work they have been asked to or comments or evidence that are relevant to the teaching. Sometimes when children engage in the 'chat' facility it can be very confusing for others and this can lead to problems and misunderstandings. A basic rule is if you wouldn't say it to your teacher, please  don't write it on the feed!

If parents have any safeguarding concerns during live teaching, please  refer them via email or phone to myself or Mr Simpson. 

Hopefully you will have received a timetable for this week and lessons will commence tomorrow.  Any issues please contact the classteacher directly.