
...achieving the highest standards of which children are capable in all areas of academic and personal development...

School aims


Your school is a gem.

Quote from Salisbury Diocese Advisor


...a secure Christian environment in which consideration and respect for self and others, can be fostered..

School aims


...fostering a positive and responsible attitude in children towards their environment...

School aims


The roots to grow, the wings to fly...

School motto


We have enjoyed a variety of activities this week to help us tune into our emotional health and to develop strategies to find relaxation and inner calm. Here are a few examples:

On Monday, Year 6 went sailing at Weymouth Harbour led by the Weymouth Outdoor Education Team. They felt the sun on their faces and the wind in their hair as they sailed around the harbour in the glorious sunshine! Fabulous.

On Tuesday, Year 6 joined their peers across the Shebrorne pyramid in an end of year event at Sherborne Abbey led by the local clergy to celebrate their 'moving up'. There were lots of activities about being unique and being yourself and the children were able to work with lots of new friends they would be meeting at the Gryphon.

On Tuesday class 2 explored the idea of pilgrimage and made some travel sticks ready for our walk the next day to Thornford. Our Wednesday spiritualtiy day began with an assembly on Pilgriamage - what they were and why people went on them. We then asked ourselves a series of questions as we made our way to Thornford School across 2 miles of fields. What are we grateful for? What do we want to improve in our lives? What can we appreciate around us? During a shade break, some classes wrote prayers about some of the things they had been reflecting on.

On Thursday, we were joined by Hollie Barber of Calm for Kids who gave everyione a super session of yoga and relaxation. The children learnt some important strategies for finding calm in stressful situations and to build self esteem.

Next Monday we will be having the Samaritans in school giving all the classes a session of how to deal with worries and the importance of sharing.