The roots to grow, the wings to fly...
School motto
On the 22nd November, a visit took place by SAST advisors to look at our church school distinctiveness and how well our core values are embedded in how the whole school and community behaves. Our visitors were very impressed and positive about what they saw, heard and felt from the children, staff and governors:
“The vision and values of the school are understood and lived out by staff and children across the school.”
“Staff and children talk confidently about the vision and the effect it has on their lives. They are in no doubt that being a church school makes a difference.”
“This is an inspiring school that teaches children to be ready for later life.” “This is a Christian School that teaches values, a place of kindness.” Meeting with children.
“The school is a special, warm place, where relationships are strong and behaviour is good; this stems from our Christian ethos.” Meeting with Foundation Governor
Well done everyone. St Mary’s is a special place to learn!