1. Learning & Support
  2. Curriculum


Please click on the tabs on the left to find out more about learning in different subject areas...

St Mary's aims for every child to achieve their potential at each stage of their school career; academically, socially, emotionally and physically. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum rich in 'real world' learning experiences, equipping our children with the skills and knowledge to become lifelong, confident individuals, effective contributors,  successful learners and responsible citizens. Our curriculum is ambitious but also reflects our rural situation and the Christian distinctiveness of our school.

Where possible, our curriculum makes strong links between subjects so that children can make sense of the world around them. It provides progression that is consistent with pupils' learning needs and prior achievements. 

Our curriculum is:

  1. Rooted in the National Curriculum 
  2. 'Joined up' in design (wherever possible) enabling children to make sense of their learning across subjects
  3. Rich in 'real world' learning experiences equipping our children with the skills and knowledge to become lifelong, successful learners
  4. Provides progression that is consistent with pupils' prior achievement and their learning needs
  5. Develops the 'whole' child and is broad, balanced and engaging and has challenge
  6. Reflects our rural situation and the Christian distinctiveness of our school
  7. Is tailored to the needs of our pupils.

The National Curriculum objectives for each subject are as follows:

Reading Writing Maths
Speaking and Listening Science Computing
Art and Design  Designand Technology Geography
History  Music  Physical Education
Modern Foreign Language     

Our school is arranged in four classes: EYFS/Year 1, Year 1/2, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6. With two year groups in all classes, our curriculum is designed to meet the pupils' stage of learning. Skills and knowledge are interwoven to enable children to make good progress across the curriculum. 

Our curriculum is carefully designed every year to take account of the children's needs and class structures. If you have any further questions on the content of the curriculum, please contact your child's classteacher. 


Churchwell class    Underdown Hollow class    Great Western class    Silverlake class


Churchwell class    Underdown Hollow class    Great Western class    Silverlake class


Churchwell class    Underdown Hollow class    Great Western class   Silverlake class

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), we had to make significant changes to the way we operate using a mix of home learning via Google Classroom and teacher led lessons in school. Going forward, if children have to self isolate due to Covid 19 or classes are asked to self isolate, children will receive their learning through our Google classrooms which are already in use for homework and communication.